I answer any questions regarding the academic curriculum.
I answer any question regarding your performance or expectations.
I hold a comprehensive review session that helps you conceptually understand things.
I can help you to any capacity that you need! BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK!
While I can help you with all your questions, I can’t help you if you don’t ask for help. I am not a mind-reader. If you don’t approach me for help, then I can’t help you!
To facilitate a learning environment that fosters learning, teamwork, curiosity, integrity, responsibility, accountability, leadership, friendship, guidance, mentorship, but most importantly, fun! During my interaction with students, my goal is to help them develop better study habits, a passion for learning, and an understanding of how to reach their goals, all while developing confidence in their abilities and skills.
“A lot of help is offered to you from start to finish. All you have to do is ask! If you don’t ask for help, you have no one blame but yourself.”
Read ahead for some useful information! Make sure you read it. It might help you out down the road.
Review sessions occur BEFORE your Midterm. During the review sessions, I will break down concepts that you have covered in so far into small digestible bites. I will explain things in ways that are relatable and easy to understand. It's also a great time to ask questions regarding subject material that you are not familiar with.
Debriefing sessions occur AFTER you take the Midterm. I will go over every aspect of the midterm. This will help you better understand where you went wrong and why.
Study groups are for those people who know they are going to need additional help but, most importantly, are going to be willing to put in the work. Study groups will begin by the end of week 4 and comprise of 3-6 people and run until the end of the semester. It’s a 13-week commitment that pays off if you are willing to put in the work and effort.
I will talk more about this after your first midterm. Or if this is something that you are interested in, feel free to contact me sooner rather than later.
everyone can use some help from their little buddy!
Are you interested in a few tips to help you rock out in this class? Follow the link below and follow the simple advice, and you should do fine in this class!