
Previous Study Group Cohorts

Every semester after midterm 1 or 2. I offer the opportunity to a small group of students to join a study group that is organized and facilitated by me.

The study group is designed as a supplementary educational learning experience. The goal of the study group is not just limited to help students develop a better conceptual understanding of the material. Additionally, its to help students develop better study habits, teamwork, leadership, integrity, responsibility, accountability, friendship, provide guidance, and mentorship, all while building confidence and having fun at the same time. You will get as much out as you are willing to put into the experiance.

Anyone is an ideal candidate. Whether this might be your first semester or your 5th, or you’re a returning student after taking a break from your education. However, from past experience, the 4 essential qualities you should have to help you get the most out of the study group are the following:

1.Individuals who want to succeed and do well in this class.

We all know that college can be challenging. At times it’s challenging to ask for help or to know what you must do to obtain successful outcomes. I will tell you what you need to do to succeed!

2. develop better study habits

I will provide you will all the tools and guidance you need to help you accomplish your goals.


3. are willing put in the effort

I can only do so much for you, while I can provide you will all the tools and guidance to help you reach your goals. I can’t do the work for you! If you’re not willing to put in the effort, then you are only going to get what you put in.  

4. know that you get what you give

I have to say it twice!

It’s important to note that all these things don’t magically or instantaneously happen, just like anything in life.

You will only get as much out of it as you are willing to put in, meaning that if you don’t put in any effort, you will not get anything out of the experience.



Anyone who wants to go to a review or debriefing session can come and go as they please!

Joining The Study Group is a Commitment!

Now, this is the part where I am explicit clear about what study groups are!

  • Study Groups ARE NOT the same as review sessions or debriefing sessions!

  • Anyone who wants to go to a review session or a debriefing session can come and go as they please.

  • If you join the study group, we will meet 1x per week every week until the end of the semester.

  • The way we establish what day and time that we meet will be determined and agreed upon by members of the group. However, dates and times might be restricted due to my schedule.

  • If you join the study group, I expect you to show up to every meeting of the study group on time.


What you should know

If you are intreated and decide to join the study group there are a few things that need to know

1. I am a volunteer T.A (meaning that I don’t get paid to be your T.A) If you want to know why I do it, then feel free to ask.

2. It’s not my responsibility nor job to teach you anything. But I do voulanteer my time to help you!

3. I value my time greatly!

4. Considering that I take time out of my day and work to be at Grossmont and facilitate the study groups. If you join the study group, then I will be making a commitment to you!

5. I care and want you do to succeed in this class! That is why I am here!


how to join the study group

If you are interested in joining the study group it's simple just click on the link below to download the document. Make sure you read it and follow the instructions.

Some of you might be wondering

"Why do I need to apply to join the study group?"

The reason why I make people apply to join the study group is simple!

Study groups are time-intensive and require a commitment (not just on your end but on my end too). While I want to help everyone, realistically, I can't, nor is it my job, remember I am a volunteer after all. I don't get paid, nor do I get any credit for this.

I chose to allocate my time to individuals who are ready to step up, put in the work, and effort it take to succeed! If you want it, I need you to put in the effort, and the first step starts here!

If you are already coming up with excuses, such “I don’t have time” or “why do I have to do this" then you are probably not going to put in the work it takes because you are already coming up with excuses.

If you don't want to put in the work or that level of commitment, then just show up to the review sessions for additional help. No commitment is required, and you will still get a lot of help and support there.

As I said before, it is not my job to teach you anything, but I do want to help you succeed, which is why I am here.